Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SEO 101 Needs Your Feedback

We’ve had some internal debates (friendly, of course!) about which topics would be of the most interest to the SEO 101 listeners. Because our arguments were largely based on anecdotal evidence, we decided that it would be best to solicit feedback directly from the listening audience. So… if you all would be so kind as to go answer our little SurveyMonkey survey thingy, we would be eternally grateful.\]

Mainly, what we’re hoping to get from the survey is data on the general experience level of the listening audience, what types of topics most interest the listeners, what guests the listeners would like to hear on the show and the average age of the listening audience.

Things that aren’t included in the survey, but that I’m dying to know are:

* Are you currently, or are you trying to get into SEO consulting for clients?
* Are you an in-house SEO? If so, for what size business? What industry/sector?
* Are you listening because you’re seo-ing your own small business website?
* Are your sites targeting a national audience? (International, regional, local, etc?)

Feel like sharing your marketing budget with us? If not, should we just operate under the assumption that the budget is somewhere bewteen zero and shoestring?
Feel free to reply to these questions via comments. I’d love to hear more about what specifically the listeners are hoping to get from the show.

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